Hi! It’s Doug Riseden, Technical Support Manager for Hymax USA. I hear all the time about people taking shortcuts to get the job done faster and more cheaply but these so called “savings” cost time, money and worker safety.
One of the more common shortcuts I hear about are crews using a repair clamp, usually with a waffle-style gasket, to join pipe instead of a coupling.
These products are designed to repair holes or ring breaks. They are not designed to couple pipe since they offer no deflection capacity, which will always result in a break due to ground movement. If you are connecting pipe, use a coupling, not a clamp.
The HYMAX VERSA (see right) offers a coupling that also can also be used for repairs since it can be opened and closed around the pipe. Whatever repair you encounter in the ditch, whether it’s a crack or pipes that need to be coupled, the HYMAX VERSA will provide continuous dynamic deflection. Equally, the HYMAX, the original two bolt coupling, is fully transitional and offers four degrees of angular deflection on each end.
Failure to use the correct product results in wasted time, money and increased water off-time. Choose wisely!
As always, I love getting your questions. If you have one, just sent it to me at doug.riseden@HYMAXusa.com.