Welcome to the first issue of HYMAX Connected, the quarterly newsletter for Hymax USA.
HYMAX Connected contains the same news and information about all things HYMAX but under a different name and with a different look.
We are just a week out from ACE16 which is a very exciting time for us. We have engineered a brand new product, the HYMAX Clamp, which we will present at the show (see the product spotlight below). We hope to see you at our booth (#1863) to give it a close look, and please feel free to stop by and say hi.Movie All Is Lost (2013)
Technical Support Manager Doug Riseden has contributed a few pieces to this issue with his usual tips & tricks and a great piece about when to repair or replace pipe. He also describes HYMAX’s lunch and learns which we are happy to organize at your workplace. These are great opportunities to learn how HYMAX products work – and of course, lunch is on us.
I appreciate getting and responding to questions or comments. Feel free to write me at info@HYMAXusa.com and just mention my name in the subject line.
I wish you all the best and a great summer!
Tom Gwynn
President, Hymax USA
Hymax is the creator of HYMAX